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Replay - IOC Virtual Retreat Open House

Last Saturday, we had a lively heart-centered gathering and shared about our upcoming Virtual Retreat and our new cohort member offerings. If you were not able to join us, we invite you to watch the replay.

Islands of Coherence Open House

This event was hosted by the Islands of Coherence Cohort with guests Rollin McCraty, Jude Currivan, Julie Krull, Gary Malkin, Tammy Scarlett & musical guest Theo Grace.

Spring is the time to plant new seeds and nourish the soil and garden of our lives. Now is the time! Are you ready to uplift the quality of your presence, the frequency of your awareness, and the currency of your contributions, inside a safe harbor of a light-hearted community doing the same? Are you ready to do this for the joy of the self and the good of the whole? If yes, we wholeheartedly invite you to join us for a 3-month virtual retreat Cultivating Coherence in Community designed to empower you to bring greater coherence into the heart of your daily life and through you, into the world. LEARN MORE & JOIN IN If you are currently a member of the IOC Network Click Here to learn more

Islands of Coherence Virtual Retreat / May - July 2022 Cultivating Coherence in Community This 3-month virtual retreat explores three “essential themes” relevant to living a coherent & generative life in these chaotic and changing times PRESENCE - RESONANCE - EMERGENCE The quality of your presence, the frequency of your awareness and the currency of your contributions have a direct impact on the whole of life. The planetary system is far from equilibrium right now and what YOU feed the field matters, and what WE feed the field matters. LEARN MORE & JOIN IN If you are currently a member of the IOC Network Click Here to learn more

“When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.”

-Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate



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