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Happy Hanuman Jayanti, Passover, and Full Moon!

Hello dear friends I wanted to share a few short excerpts with you about the energetic potency of this weekend. First is a video and short excerpt from Teacher Vasant Lad with Ayurprana in celebration of Hanuman Jayanti.

"Hanuman Janmotsav is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of the god Hanuman, who is venerated throughout India and Nepal on this day.

Lord Hanuman is celebrated for his ability to attain victory against evil and provide protection for his followers. Devotees of Lord Hanuman celebrate his presence on this day and seek his protection and blessings. They travel to temples just like the one Vasant Lad visited in Taos, to worship Lord Hanuman and present offerings. In return, devotees receive Prasad from the temple priests in the forms of sweets, flowers, coconuts, tilak, sacred ash (udi) and Ganga jal (holy water).

Hanuman Janmotsav is one of the largest festivals in India, as Hanuman is an ardent devotee of Lord Rama and is widely known for his unflinching devotion to him. This story of kinship and love is beautifully told in one of the most celebrated Sanskrit epics, The Rāmāyana." - Vasant Lad with Ayurprana - Click Here for Source Retrieved

Not only is Hanuman Janmotsav this weekend, but many are also celebrating the start of Passover and Easter. What follows is a brief excerpt from Steve Farrell at Humanity's Team that I received through email this morning. I recommend subscribing to the Humanity Team mailing list, should you wish to receive more content such as this.

"Passover, a remembrance of the Jewish people being brought out of slavery and into the light of freedom by Moses, and for Christians is also the Last Supper. And Easter, the honoring of an event so widely acknowledged as proof that God embodied as Man, that an entire time-system on Earth was developed upon that moment. And, as so many believe, with the Light of the Christed Jesus arrived a whole new covenant of possibility and hope.

As you well know if you’ve been reading our communications, we do deeply believe that we’re at a pivotal moment now. A moment acknowledging new possibility and hope, which I understand is a really big thing to say in the midst of the continual upheaval and turmoil we see on the planet.

This shift has everything to do with what you the reader are experiencing in your life right now, both what you deem positive but also negative parts of the journey that challenge you. Because you’re part of the Humanity’s Team community, it’s clear that you’re on a conscious path. You have your own spiritual practices that bring you into a place of connection, that deeply adjust your being state.

When we are on the conscious journey we are proactive, not reactive. We take control of our daily life. We know we are here to be healers and alchemists. We experience severe challenges as others do but we do not stop there. We push through to the other side where we may be of value to ourselves and the world around us.

We experience a deep interior place of connection and stillness and in this we experience a whole different reality. We know how loved we are, how special we are, each one of us, made in the likeness and image of God. And we experience this connection in all of our relationships. We see “the other” in this same Light, in beauty, in kindness, in Love. And as our gaze toward them remains consistently loving, we see their expressions of connection and appreciation in kind.

So when we talk about a shift, a pivot during this time, when we stand in the Light and see all of Life through that same lens, incredible possibilities open up..." - Steve Farrell at Humanity's Team

What's even more, is this all lands on the weekend of a Full Moon! What a powerful weekend and as Vasant stated "Auspicious Time!" So, lastly here are two great articles discussing the potency of this month's full moon in Libra.

No matter what you celebrate I am sending you the Blessing that your weekend and week ahead are filled with Love, Ease, Peace, Abundance, Magic, and Divine Miracles



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