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Cultivate Coherence in the Heart of Your Daily Life

Hello Dear One, How are you navigating through the current conditions in your life and in the world?

Are you struggling to stay centered and generative in the midst of the unprecedented challenges, we are facing on this planet? Will we fail this great test, or will we flourish?

The answer is ours to co-create and this is our moment of choice!

Are you wanting to quiet the noise and commit to attuning deeper to your own soul's calling? Are you longing to connect in community with others doing the same? Are you ready to up-level the quality of your presence, the frequency of your awareness and the current of your contributions for the joy of the self, and the good of the whole? Are you ready to jump-start the rest of your life and be a loving, resilient, and generative presence on this planet? If your answer to any of these is YES, then we whole-heartedly invite you to join us for a 3-month virtual Retreat experience co-hosted by Islands of Coherence Network, Good of the Whole & Global Coherence Pulse!

This innovative 3-month virtual retreat is designed to empower you to bring greater coherence into the heart of your daily life and through you, into the world.

Cultivating Coherence in Community

Explores three “essential themes” relevant to living a coherent & generative life in these changing times

Presence, Resonance & Emergence

Virtual Retreat begins May 9th

If you are currently a member of the IOC Network CLICK HERE to learn more

  • Unlock the potential of the heart and stabilize your nervous system with the power of Coherence.

  • Answer the call of your spirit to create a brighter future in response to the times.

  • Discover the wisdom and science that will bring more marvel and wonder alive in your daily life.

  • Connect with others of like mind and heart in a field of shared resonance, purpose, and potential. We will meet on Zoom, in a private social network space, and in our hearts during this 3-month retreat experience.

IOC Retreat Hosts, evolutionary guides, and heartists include: Shiloh Boss, Teresa Collins, Kelly Ford, Penny Heiple, Khadijih Mitchell-Polka, Darity Wesley, Aleksey Vays, Jude Currivan, Michael Lindfield, Chloe Goodchild, Julie Krull, Marshall Lefferts, Tammy Scarlet, Gary Malkin, Amber Hartnell, Theo Grace, Rollin McCraty, Justin Michael Williams, Jess Magic, Elijah Parker, Jolie Dawn, Amma Li Grace, Tru Osborne, Kristin Hoffman, Adam Apollo, Ferananda Ibarra, Sheri Herndon, Tayna Lynn and YOU!

If you are looking for somewhere nourishing and inspiring to practice the power of heart-centered coherence in these times of great change, look no further.

It is time to make coherence a priority!

A shift in consciousness - One for All, All for One - is possible, tangible, and is occurring now!

Are you ready to Prepare for it, Fuel for it and Open to it?

In this evolutionary moment,

the most important catalyst of this shift is YOU!

If you are currently a member of the IOC Network CLICK HERE to learn more

Supporting Organizations Include:

In Heart-Centered Coherence, our impact is exponentially greater than the sum of our parts!

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